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Twin Flame Alignment Activation: Align to your Mission, Self Love and Union

Twin Flame Alignment Activation: Align to your Mission, Self Love and Union

When you sign up for the Twin Flame Alignment Activation, you get immediate access to the video that you can stream or download. 

This Activation is perfect for you if you are interested in hearing more about twin flame unions or soul mate love and would like to align to your mission, self love and union 

There were so many insights and activation's that came through this channeling and I would love for you to experience them.

Amplify Love and Money

4 weeks to transform your ability to receive your personal and business goals

Love and Money at the core are so closely tied in terms of how capable we are at receiving. So much of it comes down to creating awareness and clearing of the root cause that is causing the limitation in the first place.

That’s why I’m so excited to offer this 4 week digital course that will support women like you in resetting your attraction point and ability to receive love and money at your next level.

During the Amplify Love and Money program, you will clear past fears, limiting beliefs, disappointments and karma and open your heart to feeling worthy of receiving more love and money.  

It’s so essential to have both aspects of yourself in balance in order to effectively create the life and business you desire in abundance and ease.

Soul Purpose Alignment Activation + Reading

When you sign up for the Soul Purpose Alignment Activation & Reading, you get immediate access to the video that you can stream or download. 

This Activation + Reading is perfect for you if you are a messenger on a mission, are interested in hearing more about twin flame unions and also massive expansion with sharing your unique gifts and message on larger stages, through speaking and writing.

Sign up below for one of my most powerful channeled activation's to date... So many insights and activation's cane through this channeling and I would love for you to experience them.

Elevate Your Mindset to Soul Success

During these 21 days you will...

  • Receive 21 daily prompts to elevate your ability to attract and align to your soul’s desires with ease
  • Receive and practice a meditation to get you tuned in and set tone for your day
  • Receive (2) 20 minute video trainings to set yourself up for success with a morning routine
  • Align and expand into your next level desires in a way that feels fun and easy
  • Receive 3 powerful Angel of Abundance channeled readings that offer great insights and next steps to upleveling
  • Transform your beliefs from limiting to empowered and inspired
  • Gain clarity on your highest path and soul’s calling

Soul Inspired Leaders Mastermind - Homestudy

Here’s what the Soul Inspired Leader Mastermind Homestudy includes:

Pre-work Modules to set the program foundations

8 Mastermind Call Recordings

Call topics will include: 

  • Unleash Your Authentic Voice
  • Your Purpose Driven Business Foundation
  • Master Your Messaging
  • Own Your Soul Gifts and Unique Message
  • Soulful Storytelling ~ Your Story Tells a Message
  • Attract Your Soul Aligned Clients and Community to Create a Collective Impact
  • Soul Inspired Programs
  • Divine Downloads on Demand ~ Create soul aligned content

Turn Procrastination Into Action: Transform your resistance to create momentum and impact with your soul's work.

Trust me, I get it, I really do… I have been there myself many times over the years. As a highly sensitive and empathic person especially this level pressure building can get the best of you and in some cases make you feel like giving up! 

That is exactly why I created this workshop series because it is my mission to support lightworkers and purpose driven entrepreneurs to stand in their power and share their unique gifts and message with the world. 

This workshop is designed to…

  • Gain awareness of the root cause of the patterns that are holding you back 
  • Transform fears and resistance into action, so that you can be aligned with your purpose work
  • Clear outdated beliefs, ancestral and societal programming around creating a successful business
  • Activate your empowered masculine energy within so you can get into inspired action
  • Teach you tools and process to support you to transmute fears
  • Receive high level energy clearing and activations to expedite your healing process

Access the recording of the live reading

Stand In Your Value: Get paid well with your spiritual gifts andcreate a big impact

This workshop series is designed to support you in raising your ability to receive in all areas, financially, physically and emotionally, so that you can show up and make the income and impact you were born for.

There are so many different fears and beliefs that stand in the way of lightworkers and spiritual entrepreneurs creating the life and business their soul is calling them too.

During this workshop you will…

  • Unearth and transform hidden fears that are keeping you small and hidden in your business
  • Increase your self worth and confidence in your unique gifts and the transformation you provide
  • Allow yourself to be more supported, so that you can show up fully in your life and biz
    ( without burning out! )
  • Transform female line ancestral patterns and social programing around your ability to receive
  • Raise the vibration of your divine femine energy
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Expand Into Higher Consciousness: Activate your merkaba and soul’s blueprint with Archangel Metatron

You have a unique soul path and are being called into action at this time in history. As you expand your consciousness and raise your vibration you are supporting the collective at large. Together we are each a piece of a larger cosmic plan. It is time to remember this fully and step into your divine role.

This workshop is designed to…

  • Amplify your manifesting abilities by raising your frequency and activating your merkaba
  • Activate light codes and remembrance of your souls blueprint for this lifetime
  • Elevate your frequency so that you are not weighed down by lower vibrations of others
  • Clear out ancestral and karmic patterns that are keeping you stuck

This is for you if …

  • You are ready to fully realize and step into your higher purpose
  • You know that you are meant for more, yet feel frustrated you are not being seen and heard for you gifts
  • Are ready to expand your abilities as a conscious creator
  • Clear out self sabotage, so that you can more easily take action on your soul's path.

Access the recording of the live reading

Expansion Journey: Launch into your next level with passion, purpose and prosperity

Do you feel that alarm clock within you telling you it is time to kick it up a notch or to get going and take action on your soul’s purpose?

We are living in such an amazing and exciting time of awakening and as Light workers we are being called into the next level of service.

Whether you are already working in your purpose work or you just feel that call within you to be of service within you this workshop series is designed to ignite that fire within you to propel you into the next level of action in a way that both feels good, creates impact and yields abundance!!

It’s time to collapse those old timelines, close karmic loops so that you can create a quantum shift that allows you step fully into your soul's work.

We are meant to have it all without sacrifice or compromise!

It is time we remember and embrace this truth.

Together, let's step into deeper levels of service creating a ripple effect of healing, hope and unity for the collective at large.

During this workshop you will…

  • Make peace with the past so you can move forward and embrace an abundant future that’s aligned with your souls path
  • Gain clarity, courage and conviction allowing you to stand your ground and stay anchored in your truth north.
  • Tap into the magic of your heart allowing your creativity, intuition and joy to guide your actions
  • Connect with the Archangel Gabriel to support you in channeling your next steps through automatic writing
  • Experience a powerful Soul Alignment Activation with Archangels Michael, Haniel and Ariel to support you in clearing the path your purpose with passion and prosperity
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Light Language Transmissions + Activations to Align Your Body, Mind, Soul and Activate Your Conscious Creator Within

This workshop series is designed to support you in stepping more fully into your ability to consciously create the life you desire! The light language transmissions work in tandem with the 5 steps to conscious creation so you can use them over and over again to support you in reaching your goals.

Light Language is a powerful and transformational spiritual tool and healing frequency that can support you in stepping into your next level of awakening on your spiritual path and ascension journey.

When your body, mind and soul are aligned and integrated in your being, you will experience more peace, joy, abundance, freedom and overall well being. Your desires begin to manifest more quickly and creating miracles becomes your new normal. We are all born with the ability to create whatever we desire, we have just forgotten how powerful we are!

During this workshop series you will experience ...

  • 3 Light Language Transmissions to support you in aligning your body, mind, soul, as well as, elevate your frequency and integrate your spiritual growth so that you can begin to see the benefit in a tangible way and receive the manifestations you desire.
  • Learn 5 Steps to Conscious Creation, a process that will teach you step by step how to actively navigate and manifest your desires with more quickly and easily
  • Embody more clarity, confidence and courage to go after your dreams and live at your highest potential as the conscious creator you are.
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Transform Your Relationship Dynamics: Clear out soul contracts, ancestral patterns and karmic agreements that are not aligned for your highest path

Heal the past to free yourself to enjoy present life experiences more fully in the energy of love and unity consciousness.

Relationships can be both the most fulfilling experience we can have, as well as, the most painful and emotionally damaging if we do not clean up past hurts. When we take the time to heal fully, these people and experiences will serve as a catalyst of spiritual growth.

It is essential to be able to first identify the unhealthy pattern or dynamic and clear this at the root cause. Understanding the lessons and opportunity behind these situations leads you to empowerment, allowing you to move forward in your life and relationships with more love, ease and grace.

This often involves some form of forgiveness to another person or yourself. Forgiving the past is not about accepting unhealthy or toxic behavior. It is about liberating yourself from the pain of the past so you can fully embrace the present and experience more love, joy and freedom within your relationships with others.

During this workshop you will …

  • Learn how to identify and shift patterns in relationships, family or work dynamics and clear the root cause so that you can feel empowered in your relationships.
  • Review your soul contract, karmic patterns, unconscious healing agreements so that you can stop repeating painful cycles.
  • 4 step forgiveness process to support you in letting go and make peace with the past. This includes a meditation to energetically release energy cords and karmic agreements that may keep you feeling tethered to unwanted people and situations.
  • Clearing and Activation to clear the root cause of unconscious healing agreements, karmic and ancestral patterns, past live oaths, vows and contracts. Bring your current agreements and karma into present time in the akashic records so that you do not repeat this unnecessarily. (This is a recording of the live reading)
  • Receive a powerful and transformative “Embody Unity Consciousness” alignment activation.

Embody Divine Love: Causal Chakra 5D Activation to Amplify Your Divine Feminine Energy and Intuition

Learning to work with this energy center will elevate your ability to embody and emanate the frequencies of divine love, compassion, purity and amplify your intuition.

During the times of Atlantis and Lemuria we embodied our spiritual gifts and higher self energy. We used to consciously have access to 12 core chakras. These soul level 5D and above energy chakras are coming more and more online for people as they awaken on to their spiritual path and ascension journey.

The causal chakra is the energy center that receives the high vibrational light codes and energy from the upper soul chakras and assists you in awakening and ascending your exalted state of your Divine love and compassion.

During this workshop you will …

  • Receive a Causal Chakra + Divine Love Light Codes alignment activation
  • Learn to work with your Causal Chakra to transform your energy and release lower vibrations
    Elevate your divine feminine energy which allows you to connect with your intuition
  • Increase your self love, self compassion and self acceptance through releasing co-dependent programming and embodying the divine love template and self love healing activation
  • Uplevel your vibration and magnetism to increase your manifestation abilities
  • Access your spirit guides and the angelic realm more easily
  • Tap into your soul’s blueprint more easily
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Your Soul’s Purpose: Calling all lightworkers, change agents and spiritual entrepreneurs, your time is now!

You came here perfectly equipped with a unique role to bring healing and hope with your gifts as the collective awakens and evolves. You're an important piece of grand divine plan to support humanity in creating heaven on earth, and it’s happening now!!

That inner alarm clock going off within your heart and mind will not stop until you embrace and fully answer the call. That is your soul's remembrance to who you are and what you came to do.

While there is not a handbook telling us step by step how to fulfill your purpose driven mission, you do have access to all that you need, you just have to remember, trust and take the guided steps one or two at a time.

I know the path of the messengers and lightworkers isn’t for the faint of heart as it requires you to continue to go deep within to find the confidence and courage to keep moving forward.

If you are feeling this call whether you are new on your path or being called to your next level this series is for you.

During this workshop you will …

  • Maintain a focused intention that allows you to keep moving forward on your path
  • Surrender to the process with unwavering faith
  • Stand your ground even if you are misunderstood by those around you
  • Release resistance to allow you to move through your comfort zone with more ease and grace
  • Gain clarity of your unique gifts and souls purpose
  • Experience a guided soul gift alignment activation to activate your souls blueprint mp3
  • Leverage your spiritual support team to guide you on your path
  • Clear limiting beliefs and negative energy from within and around you
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Own Your Uniqueness and Shine Your Light

It's time to embrace your authentic self and come out of the spiritual closet and clear the fears of judgment, imposter syndrome and feeling misunderstood so you can create the impact and income you were born for!

That is exactly why I created this workshop series because it is my mission to support lightworkers and purpose driven entrepreneurs to stand in their power and share their unique gifts and message with the world.

In this workshop series you will…

  • Release fears around coming out of the spiritual closet, fears of judgment, imposter syndrome and feeling misunderstood.
  • Increase your magnetism and become more visible to those you are meant to serve
  • Embrace your authentic self so that you can shine your light and share your gifts with confidence.
  • Clear out past life fears and karma around your spiritual gifts and soul’s purpose
  • Embrace Your Authentic Self alignment activation + Light Language transmission to support you in shining your light so you can be seen, heard and attract you soul aligned clients
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Bonus: Energy Clearing Meditation to release unconscious healing agreements, energy cords and karmic patterns.

Mother Mary: Journey to Surrender, Trust and Self Love

During this workshop series you will meet and work closely with the wisdom of Mother Mary to guide you in reparenting your inner child. You will receive channeled messages, healing and tools to embody and emanate self love, surrender into acceptance of what is while learning to trust yourself more deeply in the process.

When you have blocks to receiving more in your life or biz often stem from your “mother wound”, your own female energy within or patterns and blocks that have been passed down through the family line.

During this workshop series you will experience …

  • Embody more self love and open up your receiving channels to the next level
  • Experience a timeline healing from before conception all the way through to present time to set your energy to your highest path.
  • Liberate yourself from painful and frustrating cycles that keep you feeling stuck so that you can experience more ease and freedom in your life.
  • Receive wisdom from Mother Mary and receive channeled messages, healing and tools to embody and emanate self love, surrender and acceptance of what is while learning to trust yourself more deeply in the process.
  • Increase your ability to prioritize yourself and needs, wants desires
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Ganesh: Removing Obstacles to Wealth, Prosperity and Success

Ganesh came through strongly with his support to clear the obstacles from the past moving forward to make way for you to more easily align with your next level goals. His energy is fast and efficient with removing blocks, clearing your path and illuminating clarity of your next steps. Ganesh will support you in shifting your energy into inspired action and fast track your intentions. This will create deeper alignment to receive in the areas of wealth, prosperity and success.

During this workshop series you will experience …

  • Timeline clearing for limits passed down through ancestral line, family patterns, past life karma, societal and religious programming ( audio Mp3)
  • Anchor into your highest potential for wealth, prosperity and success
  • Releasing the patriarchal imbalanced male programing and raising your masculine energy into its exalted state to be in aligned inspired action.
  • Learn how to work Ganesh to support your expansion and continue paving the way for your personal goals and soul purpose.
  • Access the recording of the live reading

[May 2022 Workshop] Starseed Activation: Channeled messages and light language transmissions from your Galactic Spiritual Council on your soul’s mission.

This is a series that will bring forth channeled messages and light language transmissions for starseeds and lightworkers to equip and impart powerful information to support you on your souls mission.

Siran, Arcturian, Pleadian and others are all coming together to unite to support humanity's expansion into unified consciousness.

Just like our DNA passed down through our family line on earth, starseeds also have some collective trauma to heal within them. Through this workshop we will clear this past trauma and patterns so that you have more confidence and certainty of your soul's blueprint for this lifetime.

Some themes are…

  • Being in your with your true divine power (power over vs. powerless)
  • Creating mass destruction unintentionally in the past, thus creating mistrust in self this lifetime
  • Deep sense of loneliness and isolation missing home and feeling misunderstood

During this workshop series you will experience …

  • Awaken information from your empowered lifetimes so you can use those skill sets in this present life to fulfill souls' purpose.
  • Experience a guided journey to bring forward your ancient wisdom so that you can awaken and access the information deep within your soul’s awareness
  • Receive light language transmissions from the galactic spiritual council to awaken, align and expand your energetic awareness and vibration
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Great Pyramid Alignment Activation: Initiation to ancient egyptian wisdom and energetic upgrades

The great pyramid is an ancient sacred power center that houses high level energetic upgrades and awakens ancient wisdom within you.

In my recent trip to Egypt, I experienced this unique and potent energy first hand and otherworldly energetic downloads streamed in that I feel called to share and awaken this remembrance within you too.

As above… so below, is a part of the embodiment upgrade of this Great Pyramid initiation. Creating heaven on earth as we collectively shift into the Age of Aquarius.

The amplification of the earth's energy and connection to the divine is unprecedented. The connection to advanced spiritual technology and Star beings is a powerful and unique experience for each person.

Ra, the Egyptian sun god also stepped forward to share a channeled transmission specially for this series. As well as, Ma’at, Egyptian goddess of truth, order, harmony and balance.

I will also share with you what I learned and experienced, as well as pictures to tune into, from being inside 3 different chambers of the Great Pyramid on our 2 hour private tour: Kings chamber, Queens chamber and a lower chamber that descended into the earth's core.

If you feel drawn to ancient Egyptian times or perhaps already know you have had past life experiences there, this Great Pyramid Alignment Activation series is for you.

During this workshop series you will experience …

  • Energetic upgrades so that you are able to anchor more into the 5D and above + Merkabah activation.
  • Amplify your spiritual gifts and information that you are called to bring forward in this lifetime to fulfill your soul's purpose
  • Clear karmic patterns, and ancestral line programming so that you can clear blocks and align to your highest path and timeline.
  • Guided Great Pyramid Alignment Activation journey to awaken your empowered Egyptian past life information, activate dormant DNA and energetic upgrades mp3
  • Channeled transmission from Ra, known as the egyptian sun god and Ma’at, egyptian goddess of truth, order, harmony and balance.
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Isis, Hathor and Queen Nefertiti: Embody your power, creativity, success and your alchemical magic with the healing support and wisdom of the Egyptian goddesses

During this workshop series, you will receive powerful healing transmissions and channeled wisdom from these powerful Egyptian deities, Isis, Hathor and Queen Nefertiti.

They each possess the embodiment of archetypes that you too can tap into and embody more of these qualities for yourself. It is likely you have Egyptian past lives with one or perhaps even all of these spiritual beings which can unlock even more of your inherent spiritual gifts.

This can look like...

  • Learn about each of their specialties and how you can invoke them to be a part of your spiritual support team
  • Experience alignment activations to embody your power, creativity and success to the next level with an open heart (Mp3)
  • Awaken ancient Egyptian wisdom and past life information so that you can access this frequency in your current life and business situations to create with more ease and grace
  • Receive channeled messages from Isis, Hathor and Queen Nerfertiti to inspire and guide your highest path and best next steps
  • Take part in the group clairvoyant reading for the collective group energy and energy healing on this theme to more fully embody your gifts (This is a recording of the live reading)

Lion’s Gate Portal Activation: Amplify your Manifesting Power with Stargate Light Code Activation, Light Language Transmissions and Channeled Messages from Siran Guides

The Lions Gate portal is a powerful portal that happens only once a year!!

This workshop series will support you in maximizing and harnessing this transformative cosmic energy to awaken and align you to your next level and soul blueprint. Astrologically, the veil is thin creating an optimal space to connect with ancient wisdom, your soul family, sirian guides. Numerologically speaking 8/8 is an opportunity that amplifies and supports abundance in all areas of your life!!

Are you ready to supercharge your intentions and align to your highest soul's path?

During this workshop series you will…

  • Connect with your soul family and sirian guides
  • Receive sacred geometry activation to amplify your abundance codes
  • Light Language transmission and message specific for group
  • Awaken and access your ancient wisdom and align to your soul’s blueprint
  • DNA activation to accelerate your ascension journey
  • Experience a Dolphin Sonar Alignment Activation
  • Access the recording of the live reading

Activate Your Clairvoyant and Channeling Abilities with Archangel Raziel

Activate Your Clairvoyant and Channeling Abilities with Archangel Raziel: Trust your intuitive information to guide you in living your highest path and purpose

Learning to trust your intuitive information is an essential key to living your highest path and purpose. Fear and doubt are the biggest blocks for people when it comes to trusting their gifts and upleveling to their highest potential. Archangel Raziel shared with me a new Rainbow Light Code Alignment Activation to support those who are feeling called to step into their intuitive power at the next level.

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Learn how to work Archangel Raziel and other tools and processes to support you in developing your clairvoyant and channeling abilities.
  • Receive a brand new high level Rainbow Light Code Alignment Activation to awaken and amplify your spiritual gifts, ancient wisdom and DNA
  • Timeline clearing to release fears and doubts in yourself and intuitive information that has been passed down through ancestral line, family patterns, past life karma, societal and religious programming (audio Mp3)
  • Receive channeled messages from Archangel Raziel to align to your highest path and purpose. (This is a recording of the live reading)

Success Rituals and Activations with Lakshmi and Saraswati

Success Rituals and Activations with Lakshmi and Saraswati: Embody more joy, channel your creativity and take inspired action on your dreams.

This workshop series will support you to Align, Embody and Express your Divinity in all areas of your life, business and relationships so you can experience more joy, fulfillment and abundance.

We are living in such an amazing time as we have so much more opportunity to consciously create the life and business our hearts desire.

Lakshmi and Saraswati came forward with a desire to ignite your passion, creativity and support you in elevating your vibration so that you can manifest at the highest level.

As conscious creators we must also take action on our dreams. So often our unconscious fears can disguise themselves as procrastination, lacking clarity or feeling frozen in overwhelm. You will receive an energy clearing on the fears and doubts that are holding your back.

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Embody to your joy, channel your creativity and take inspired action alignment activation Mp3
  • Channeled messages and guidance from Lakshmi and Saraswati to activate your creative energy and next steps to take to manifesting your desires.
  • Success rituals and activations to amplify your manifesting power
  • Energy clearing on unconscious fears and programing such as: procrastination, lacking clarity, competition energy, feeling frozen in overwhelm or feeling apathetic and lack of motivation to take action.
  • Group clairvoyant reading and clearing to support you in aligning and stepping into your next level. (This is a recording of the live reading)

Healing ‘Mother Wounds’ and Female Ancestral Line Patterns Workshop

Elevating your divine feminine energy within to its exalted state will raise your vibration, increase your intuition, and increase your magnetism to the next level.

Whether you are male or female, if you feel blocked in your ability to “receive” in any area of your life, love, money, happiness there is likely some clean-up work in this area to be done.

Healing our mother wounds and female ancestral line patterning on this topic will expand your self love, confidence and really increase your self-esteem so you deeply know and honor your self-worth and receive more in all areas of your life and business.

These patterns and trauma imprints can happen at a young age, as well as can be passed down from our family line through our genetics.

An exciting aspect of diving into this inner work, is not only do we get the healing benefits, but so do those in our family line!!

When you do this inner healing work, you can access your divine feminine energy within at its more exalted state which gives you more access to your intion, creativity, intuition and so much more!

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Inner child timeline healing and releasing female line ancestral programming and karmic patterns to open your ability to receive with more ease and grace.
  • Elevate your divine feminine energy within to its exalted state to raise your vibration, increase your magnetism and access your spiritual gifts at the next level.
  • Identify and clear ancestral line wounds, patterns and programming that are not serving your highest good limiting your ability to manifest your desires.
  • Boost your connection to your intuition, creativity and inspiration (This is a recording of the live reading)

Healing ‘Father Wounds’ and Male Ancestral Line Patterns Workshop

Elevating your masculine energy within to its exalted state will allow you to stand more fully in your confidence, power and leadership, so that you can create momentum and get into action and achieve your dreams.

Whether you are male or female, we all have our own masculine energy within that supports us in taking clear, confident decisive action required to create success and reach our life and business goals.

Healing your father wounds and male ancestral line patterning on this topic will empower you to feel more motivated and equipped to take action on your inspired ideas and divine guidance.

When you are operating from a distorted aspect of our male energy you may feel the need to defend, control things or people, numb, avoid vulnerability , bottle up anger or it can cause us to feel frozen unable to make a decision or take action on our desires.

These patterns and trauma imprints can happen at a young age, as well as can be passed down from our family line through our genetics.

An exciting aspect of diving into this inner work, is not only do we get the healing benefits, but so do those in our family line!!

When you do this inner healing work, you can access your divine masculine energy within at its more exalted state, you will be able to make clear decisions with confidence, be in action with your inspired ideas and be able to stay focused and move forward to consciously creating your dreams and so much more!

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Inner child timeline healing and releasing male line ancestral programming and karmic patterns that keep you stuck spinning your wheels in self defeating patterns such as: procrastination, lack of clarity, indecision or overworking and feeling burnt out.
  • Elevate your masculine energy within to its exalted state to increase your confidence, power and leadership, so that you can create momentum and get into action and achieve your dreams.
  • Identify and karmic patterns, clear ancestral line wounds, patterns and programming that are not serving your highest good and limiting your success.
  • Get into inspired action that aligns you with living your soul's purpose.
  • Group clairvoyant reading and clearing to support you in aligning and stepping into your next level. (This is a recording of the live reading)

Mercury Retrograde Survival Kit: Learn to thrive not just survive this cosmic cycle with more ease and grace

Working in harmony with this collective energy has many powerful benefits and can be a transformational opportunity to uplevel your energy and align to your goals and highest path.

Mercury Retrograde often gets a bad rap. Understandably so as if it can be a time that is notorious for miscommunications with people, tech issues, delays in projects.

I’ve got YOU!

The good news is that if you learn to leverage this time and work with the energy it allows you to navigate and flow through this time with much less hiccups and frustration.

In fact, it can be a really beautiful period of time that can and help us to uplevel in all areas of life.

Mercury Retrogrades can be an empowering time and teach us so much about what is necessary to really align fully with our highest self and path. In that way it can be the first step and catalyst to create your desires.

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Discover the gift and shadow aspects of this period of time so you can leverage this time period with more ease and grace.
  • Learn tools and processes to work with the retrograde season at its exalted state so you can set yourself up for success.
  • Receive a powerful clearing meditation to help you to transform your current lessons and clear the imbalanced patterns and energy at the root cause so you can elevate your energy and align to your highest path.
  • Experience an enlightening and transformational group clairvoyant reading and clearing on the patterns that you are being called to clear and heal through. (This is a recording of the live reading)

Big Island Wisdom: Channeled Healing and Messages from Pele, dolphins, whales and the ocean to align your body, mind and spirit to your soul’s purpose

Connecting with this healing vortex in nature brings deep healing and awareness that will guide you to your highest path and awakening the remembrance of who you truly are and who you came to be.

The big island of Hawaii is a magical vortex of healing energy filled with such love that opens your heart and expands your soul. When you connect with the power and magic of the island you will awaken your intuitive senses, ignite your passion and align with your heart's desires.

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Receive channeled messages from Pele, dolphins and whales to align to your soul's purpose and highest path.
  • Guided meditation and activation healing with Pele, dolphins, whales to activate your intuitive senses, ignite your creative energy clear and raise your vibration to the next level Mp3
  • Ignite your passion and open your heart so you can be present and enjoy your life and business with fresh new creative energy.
  • Deep healing and release what no longer is serving you
  • Live group clairvoyant reading and clearing to align with your soul’s purpose and highest path. (This is a recording of the live reading)

The Magic of Momentum: Step Into your Leader Power and Purpose to Make the Impact You Were Born For

It’s time to make some waves (of love) so the ripple effect of your gifts can be felt, seen and heard across the globe!

I don't have to tell you that you were born with a purpose, to make change and empower the world with your gifts.

So often when we wake up to our purpose we are filled with excitement and gusto to go out there and inspire others…and then often start to lose steam.

While that passion is still in your heart you can feel disappointed, frustrated or overwhelmed that things don't seem to pick up as fast or abundantly as you’d like.

Trust me, I know this tale well…

It’s like you know you are not really gonna just quit your soul's purpose,(I mean how can you when your soul is constantly ringing that bell, lol)

Yet the sparkle can sometimes fade when you don't feel seen and heard by those you’re here to serve.

Whether you are newly awakened to your gifts or been on this path awhile this workshop will help you find your magical mojo, so you can be in sustainable momentum to live your purpose and enjoy the journey.

Have you found your energy or focus goes in spurts?

Visible for 6 months and then go dark, then remerge and feel like you are starting at ground zero.

Or maybe you are planning and planning and planning the “perfect” program offering and then don’t ever launch or if you do, you yield little response for all your efforts?

Perhaps you are working other J-O-B’s dreaming of being able to make your purpose your full time gig.

Now this is not a “How-to” marketing class, but what I do know is the best copy in the world won’t work if we aren't in the energy to be able to create it, sustain it and receive it.

We are going to kick some fears to the curb so you can clear the way, embody your magical energy and get into sustainable action.

Let’s work some magic together and build some momentum so you can send your waves of love across the globe!

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Identify and release patterns and fears that are keeping you feeling stuck.
  • Experience an activation to embody your magnetism, stand proud in your uniqueness and authentic expression mp3
  • Receive a clearing on major blocks that surface when we step into our power and purpose such as: visibility fears, competition, comparison, over giving, need for approval, past disappointments mp3
  • Create the energy of momentum so that you can be in sustainable action while sharing your gifts
  • Transformational group clairvoyant reading and clearing on the patterns that you are being called to clear and heal through. (This is a recording of the live event.)

Exploring Sacred Geometry, Light Codes and Light Language: Experience Energetic Upgrades to Align with Your Highest Path

Elevate your awareness and energy to live your soul's purpose by stimulating your own downloads to access ancient wisdom and embodying your soul's blueprint.

Starseeds, lightworkers and heart centered leaders are being called into their next level of evolution so that we can do our individual parts in supporting the awakening of the collective consciousness.

An essential aspect of fulfilling our mission is to continue our own internal healing and ascension journey. Working with sacred geometry, light codes and light language are all powerful tools to support this process.

During this workshop series, you will experience:

  • Learn about sacred geometry, light codes and light language and how to use them as a tool to support you on your ascension journey.
  • Experience powerful light language transmission and energetic upgrades to support you in aligning and living your soul's purpose. mp3
  • Release karmic patterns, fears and genetic programming that inhibits your ability to live at your highest potential.
  • Awaken dormant DNA, amplify your intuitive gifts and raise your frequency to manifest more quickly
  • Transformational collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (This is a recording of the live event.)

Meet Your Galactic Guides and Soul Family: Receive channeled messages and energetic transmissions to align to your soul’s mission and activate your soul’s blueprint

This is a call for Starseeds and Lightworkers… You are ready and your time is now to share your gifts and message with the collective at the next level!

You have so much spiritual support here ready to guide you in fulfilling your purpose. Though sometimes you may feel unsure of what that purpose is or how to fulfill it, you were born equipped for a unique purpose. You have been training for this for lifetimes through many incarnations.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Awakening your soul gifts to the next level and activating your ancient wisdom and soul’s blueprint.
  • Release unconscious limits, fears and doubts you may hold you back from stepping fully into your purpose or from being seen and heard at the next level.
  • Connecting and communicating with your galactic guides and soul family.
  • Receive powerful insights, inspiration and channeled messages from your star family.
  • Access your own information and embody gifts from other lifetimes to support your soul’s purpose.

Live Your Soul’s Purpose: Elevate your frequency, expand through your fears and amplify your impact

You know that you are here to be a changemaker, paving the way for people to awaken, heal and elevate the collective consciousness.

Embracing your uniqueness and allowing your authentic expression to be a beacon of light will magnetize those you are here to support with your gifts and message.

As we commit to this calling, we will continue to be called to move many layers of fears and doubts that can manifest as resistance that can slow down our progress and overall fulfillment if we let it.

This is all part of our personal journey that we must address as we expand into living at our highest potential and to make the impact we were born for.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Receive channeled messages of guidance, inspiration and next steps to align with your soul’s purpose.
  • Identify the root cause of fears, patterns and programming that are holding you back so that you can expand into your next level of service.
  • Receive a clearing on many of your internal fears and doubts such as: perfectionism, pressure to perform, overwhelm, fear of judgment and resistance.
  • Experience a soul alignment activation to elevate your frequency, embrace your authentic expression, embody your next level with more confidence and courage. Mp3
  • Transformational collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (This is a recording of the live event.)

Spiritual Union with Your Twin Flame, High-Level Soulmate or Divine Counterpart: Step into your power, love and purpose

It’s time to rise and shine into your spiritual leadership which for many will include your soul aligned person to go to the level as a power couple in your divine mission!

Spoiler Alert: I am NOT going to teach you love spells or steps 1, 2, 3, on how to “get” your person! My approach is all about self mastery, and then by Law of Attraction the Universe has no choice but to deliver!

But… the question is will you allow yourself to receive it?

It is up to both individuals to do their part and stake their claim.

This journey is not for the faint of heart, but if you are called, trust that you are ready and up for the task at hand. You planned this many lifetimes ago… and don’t worry, you will be spiritually protected and guided as you form this spiritual union.

You were born with a blueprint inside of you for your unique part in this larger divine plan to awaken consciousness and healing support humanity through this collective awakening. A part of that plan includes your soul aligned partner.

Though I will be sharing from the perspective of those likely not yet in union with their beloved, it will absolutely benefit all who feel called to deepen their alignment to purpose, increase their self love and, if aligned, will increase intimacy with their current partner.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Learn the basis of what these types of relationships and soul agreements are and what they are here to accomplish both for each of you personal and to complete your global mission.
  • Receive high level activations to elevate and activate your masculine and feminine energies within yourself as this is imperative for union to occur.
  • Channeled messages from your spiritual council supporting, protecting and aligning this connection.
  • Identify and clear blocks holding you apart and out of alignment
  • Transformational collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (this is a recording of the live event)

Lion’s Gate Portal: Sirian Transmission to activate radical self love and acceptance to embody your Divinity and souls mission

Starseeds, lightworkers and agents of change let’S come together and leverage this cosmic Lion’s Gate portal to elevate and receive personalized energetic upgrades to align to your highest path and timeline!

This is such an auspicious and powerful portal which is sure to elevate you out of this world!! Literally and figuratively. As starseeds and lightworkers, we came here for a purpose to support humanity in this collective awakening to embody heaven on earth.

In order to do this fully, we must be the change we wish to see by regulating and integrating our own energetic field and merge with our own divine essence. The Universal adages, “as above so below” and “as within so without” are key to successfully living at your highest potential.

We all have a unique gift, message and higher self energy frequency that is a piece of this cosmic dance we are in as we usher in the new era that we have courageously incarnated to create a ripple effect of healing and lasting change for the collective energy.

Your voice matters, your love is healing and your message is empowering and inspiring to those around you. No one else but you can share your healing medicine. The beautiful and harmonic balance within the fabric of this cosmic plan is that in order to support humanity to the fullest you must support yourself first for you can only reflect the purity of your energy and heart that you have cultivated within.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Embody Your Divinity Light Language Transmission and Activation Mp3
    This transmission will illuminate your unique crystalline grid pathway to align with your soul's mission. This will also activate your personal light codes to support you in stepping into your power and elevating to your highest timeline
  • Channeled messages from Sirian Council, whales, dolphins, ocean, Egyptian guides and your higher self to support your ascension journey and life purpose
  • Call forward your gifts and information from empowered lifetimes from the Akashic Records, as well as, release karmic patterns around stepping into your personal power, confidence and opening your heart to receive so you can embody your purpose
  • Identify and clear fears, ancestral patterns and karmic agreements holding you back
  • Transformational collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (this is a recording of the live event)

Intuition Activation ~ Amplify Your Chakras and Rock Your Ascension

Inside of your Intuition Activation transformational experience you will access 7 Weekly modules, each with a video training and playbook to do deep work to clear, balance and activate each of the 7 main chakras.

Module 1: Root Chakra
This chakra houses all of our survival information and programming around living in our 3D world. When this chakra is out of balance you may have financial blocks, issues with health or feeling safe in the world. You will clear and balance this chakra which will allow more abundance into your life.

Module 2: Sacral Chakra
This chakra houses your creative energy and empathic abilities. When this energy center is out of balance you may be overwhelmed with your emotions or those of other peoples, you could have old inner child wounds and trauma imprints here which could drive unhealthy relationship patterns. When you learn to balance and heal this chakra you will feel happier, more creative and experience much more bliss in your life and relationships.

Module 3: Solar Plexus
This chakra houses your energy distribution in your body, your will, confidence and your inner power. When this chakra is out of balance you may find yourself lacking energy or unable to release control which will lead to difficulty manifesting amongst other things. Balancing and activating this chakra is essential to your ability to consciously create your dreams.

Module 4: Heart Chakra
This chakra is your ability to have love and empathy for yourself, others, the planet, animals and your connection to the Divine. When out of balance you may have difficulty receiving in general, find you are closed off or limiting your ability to give and receive love. Balancing and activating this chakra allows you to experience yourself and others from an elevated space of love and increases your ability to receive in all areas of life.

Module 5: Throat Chakra
This chakra houses your psychic ability of channeling, as well as, has a lot to do with your creative expression and patterns around speaking your truth. This chakra usually has a lot of blockages that if left unattended will create issues in all types of relationships and hinder your ability to create.

Module 6: Third Eye Chakra
This chakra houses your clairvoyant abilities and is also heavily tied to your ability to manifest and see spiritual truth. When out of balance our own ego fears and those of others can easily cloud our judgment and create a lack of clarity around your dreams.

Module 7: Crown Chakra
This chakra houses channeling abilities and is tied to your ability to trust yourself and subsequently affects your ability to trust your intuition. When this chakra is balanced and activated you can own your certainty and trust yourself in any situation.

In addition to the core Intuition Activation program you will receive 4 complete workshops to create a full spectrum of support! These workshop help you further amplify your gifts and manifest your soul purpose with your newly activated gifts.

Each of the workshops focus on different aspects of personal development and spiritual growth, such as conscious creation, intuition activation, and aligning with one's higher path and purpose. The additional content is designed to help you deepen your understanding of these areas and make significant progress on their spiritual journey.


  • Video Training
  • Workbook
  • Guided clearing and activation meditation (mp3)
  • Timeless aura reading and clearing for the collective group energy


Kundalini Activation: Awaken your energy to accelerate your healing and ascension journey

Actively working with your kundalini energy will amplify your manifesting abilities, restore healing balance to your body, activate your spiritual gifts and align you with your soul’s blueprint.

Kundalini energy is within everyone and when activated it will raise your vibration and accelerate your awakening journey on many levels. Whether you already have your kundalini energy awakened or not, this workshop is designed to safely meet you where you are at and support you in accessing your energy at the next level.

Consciously and actively working with this energy in your meditation space has many benefits. You will experience a quickening of your spiritual path that will raise your awareness and vibration in all areas physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Teach you many ways to work with your Kundalini energy to accelerate your ascension journey.
  • Increase your manifesting, self healing abilities and align to your soul’s blueprint.
  • Awaken dormant DNA and psychic gifts.
  • Experience a guided kundalini activation journey to awaken and amplify this energy and support you in learning to use it at will. Mp3
  • Channeled messages from Pele, Archangel Raziel and Metatron to guide you on your soul's path.

Atlantis and Lemuria: Reclaim your power, spiritual gifts and ancient wisdom from these elevated lifetimes

Starseeds, lightworkers and agents of change, you are being called into your spiritual leadership and power to usher in heaven on earth.

We are living in an exciting and revolutionary time as we each have a unique role in supporting the collective awakening. Remembering and harnessing your spiritual information from other timelines is an important element that will help you in successfully living your soul’s purpose and highest potential.

During the times of Atlantis and Lemuria many of us experienced both a loss of power through karmic lessons or choices, as well as, having access to high level spiritual gifts and ancient wisdom. Recalling your information and bringing your energy forward through this remembrance allows you deeper ownership of your spiritual gifts and empowerment needed to stand fully in your power this lifetime.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Experience a guided Akashic meditation journey to recall your power, gifts and wisdom from Atlantis, Lemuria and potentially other lifetimes your soul is ready to remember.
  • Receive channeled wisdom from Atlantis and Lemuria guides here to support you in awakening and embodying your spiritual gifts and life purpose.
  • Identify and clear karmic patterns and lessons holding you back in this lifetime.
  • Meet 2 new spirit guides who are here to guide you on this part of your spiritual journey to align with your highest path and purpose.
  • Transformational live collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (this is a recording of the live reading)

Sun and Moon Alignment Activation: Harness cosmic energy to expand your consciousness, integrate your spiritual growth and elevate your energy into the 5D and beyond

Activate your souls blueprint and embody your higher self energy to manifest your soul's desires more quickly and easily

As a collective we are evolving from the 3D to 5D and beyond. Working to align with the energy of the sun and moon is a powerful way to uplevel and raise your vibration and alignment to your highest path.

Tapping into cosmic wisdom and support of this energy will upgrade your system on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually making it easier to embody more of your higher self energy in your physical body. When working with these frequencies you will notice more clarity, focus and energy to take action on your inspired ideas.

When you embody your divinity you experience more synchronicity, connection to your intuition and spirit team allowing you to make quantum shifts in your life and business. Manifesting your desires can happen more quickly and easily from this elevated frequency.

This series is designed to support you in …

  • Clear outdated programming so that you can embody more of your higher self in your physical body so that you have more energy, clarity, focus and speed up your manifesting abilities.
  • Experience a transformational Sun and Moon Alignment Activation to increase your energy and bring you into more balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This activation will harmonize your masculine and feminine giving and receiving mp3.
  • Increase your intuition and communication between your body and soul so that you can access higher consciousness and divine wisdom.
  • Receive channeled messages and insights from the sun and moon to support you in your spiritual growth to embody your souls blueprint and highest potential.
  • Transformational live collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. (replay will be sent out if you can not be live)

Archangel Jophiel: Embrace Your Next Level Identity to Bring Your Vision Into Fruition

Out with the old and in with the new!

Transformation is a continuous cycle of rebirthing more fully into your authentic self. When you are living as your true self you feel inspired, empowered and motivated to bring your dreams into fruition.

However, sometimes when you are in the process of upleveling your life things can feel a bit murky and unclear, stagnant or a bumpy ride where it feels like things are not going your way which can be disheartening and frustrating to say the least.

The good news is we do have the power to shift things into alignment pretty quickly when we are ready. Archangel Jophiel came through ready to help you to release the past fears and patterns to ignite passion and create a fertile environment to birth your next level vision.

During this workshop series you will ….

  • Release past fears, patterns so that you can embrace your next level identity and manifest your next chapter with more joy and ease
  • Gain clarity on your next level vision, spark your creative ideas and motivation
  • Align your body,mind, soul and environment to create the foundation needed to support your manifestations
  • Embrace Your Next Level Identity to Bring Your Vision Into Fruition Alignment Activation meditation journey Mp3
  • Channeled messages and next steps from Archangel Jophiel to guide and support your transformational journey
  • Access a recorded clairvoyant reading for the collective group clairvoyant reading and energy clearing to clear the old and align with the next level YOU 

Activate Lightcodes for Your Soul’s Blueprint and Wealth: Transcend limitations and experience quantum shifts to live your purpose and abundant lifestyle

Transcend limitations and experience quantum shifts to live your purpose and abundant lifestyle.

Lightworkers and Starseeds harness this expansive time and accelerated growth opportunity to the life you were born for!

You came here to experience yourself as a human being who is awakened to your spiritual gifts so that you can live as a conscious creator. Each person has their own unique soul’s blueprint designed to guide you in fulfilling your purpose and living a life that is abundant in all ways.

When you are aligned with your soul there are no limitations, no lack, no competition, no fear. In fact, when you are living aligned with your soul’s blueprint you will experience abundance and fulfillment as a natural byproduct.

You even have a built-in guidance system that will guide you every step up the way through intuition. When your intuition and actions are aligned, success happens!

During this workshop series you will ….

  • Experience a Soul’s Blueprint and Wealth Codes Activation. This guided meditation journey to activate lightcodes to deepen your alignment to your unique soul’s blueprint and elevated wealth codes. Mp3
  • Awaken dormant DNA to activate your psychic abilities and spiritual gifts to the next level.
  • Transmute outdated programming and limitations of poverty consciousness, fear, doubt and other ancestral and karmic patterns that are creating limitations to living your soul's purpose and abundant lifestyle.
  • Access a recorded in depth clairvoyant reading for the collective group energy and energy healing on this topic.

Calibrate Your Body, Mind and Spirit to Success: Raise your vibration to align to your divine potential

Lightworkers, it’s time to let go of the old, purify your energy and raise your vibration so you can live your soul’s destiny!

We are living in an exciting time as awakened souls who remember who we are and who we came to be! 

As the energy of the planet continues to change it’s important that we calibrate ourselves to be able to embody these higher frequencies available to us from both the earth and the cosmos.

During this workshop series you will...

  • Experience a Calibrate to Success Alignment Activation. This guided meditation will support you to purify and align your body, mind and spirit so that you can embody a higher vibration and divine potential Mp3.
  • Transmute past trauma imprints, karmic and ancestral line patterns to support you in letting go of the old so that you can embody your higher self energy more fully.
  • Activate your lightbodies and upgrade your bodies programming to allow you to embody higher frequencies.
  • Channeled messages to support you in the purification process to align to your divine potential and soul’s destiny. Messages and next steps came through from Hathor and Archangel Metatron to support you.
  • Access a recorded in depth clairvoyant reading for the collective group energy and energy healing on this topic.

Channeled Messages from 7 Star Sisters: An Energetic Reset to Transcend Fear Based Illusions and Open a Portal to New Beginnings

Receive channeled messages from 7 different Star Guides to support lightworkers in aligning to their highest path and next steps.

During this workshop series you will...

  • Transcend fear based illusions, family patterns, limiting beliefs holding you back from making the full impact you were born for.
  • Experience a guided journey + light language transmissions that will create an energetic reset to launch yourself into your next level desires and soul’s purpose. Mp3
  • Receive channeled messages from 7 different Star Guides to support lightworkers in aligning to their highest path and next steps.
  • Access to a recorded Transformational live collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. 

Lion’s Gate Portal: Starseeds and Lightworkers, it’s time to work your magic and embody your gifts

Harness this potent energy to activate your gifts, set new intentions or build momentum on your current endeavors.

The Lions Gate portal in an auspicious time of the year where we are able to receive high level energy upgrades and downloads of information from the cosmos.

Utilize this energy to catapult you into your highest timeline so that you can activate your soul's blueprint to the next level.

It’s time to work your magic and embody your gifts and spiritual information. We are living in such an exciting and amazing time in history as awakened soul’s who are here at such a pivotal to usher in higher consciousness and healing for ourselves, loved ones and the collective at large.

During this workshop series you will...

  • Learn ways to harness this alchemical energy to catapult the momentum of your desires.
  • Experience a transformational journey to align with your soul’s blueprint and highest timeline. Mp3
  • Receive a DNA activation to awaken your gifts and deeper remembrance of your soul’s purpose.
  • Channeled messages from Star Guides who are here to assist you in your awakening journey.
  • Receive access to a recorded Transformational live collective group clairvoyant reading and clearing to integrate this energetic upgrade with more ease and grace. 
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